Top Reasons Why You Should Not Try DIY Drain Cleaning


At the first sign of a clogged or dirty drain, most homeowners run to the store and purchase liquid chemicals to put down the sink or shower drain. While we commend the ingenuity and fast action, there are many dos and don’ts for home drain cleaning. Did you remember to turn off the power to the garbage disposal before reaching down there? Could the problem be non-buildup-related, like a broken sewer line? Many of the questions we ask ourselves or don’t know to ask can be answered when an experienced plumber does the job. In addition to proper safety and home health, there are countless reasons to forego DIY drain cleaning at home. 

Chemicals damage plumbing systems

Chemical drain cleaners come in gel, powder, and liquid forms. Such cleaners depend on a chemical reaction to rid the drain of gunk, debris, hair, and whatever else blocks it. At the same time, the heat from the reaction is harming the pipes and fixtures it touches in the process. Older homes with metal piping are the most at risk for plumbing leaks and other damage caused by chemical drain cleaners. Don’t think that you’re off the hook if you have plastic piping or more updated tubing. Drain cleaners often remain in pipes destroying those as well. 

Plumbers have better tools

Hydro-jets, drain snakes, and high-tech cameras are all in a modern-day plumber’s toolbox to release that clog and get your plumbing working like new. But, unfortunately, most homeowners would have to dish out thousands of dollars to get the same equipment and might not know what to do with it when the equipment gets to them. 

It may be something more serious

A simple clog or recurring buildup are often signs of something else amiss in the plumbing system. If a pipe in the wall or the sewer line underground has a crack or corrosion, it is impossible to detect from the kitchen or bathroom alone. Getting an annual plumbing inspection and drain cleanout done by a plumbing professional provides peace of mind and a healthy drainage system for those using it. 

You don’t need to get your hands dirty

From sink gunk and dirty wastewater to chunks of hair, there is something to be said for not having to deal with a plumbing issue personally. Of course, some homeowners roll up their sleeves and figure it out, but honestly, you don’t have to do that. So if you’re worried about what the plumber might find when they get there, don’t worry. We’ve seen it all. 

Get professional plumbing services

The best way to take care of home plumbing is prevention. Unfortunately, though, homeowners have so many household chores crowding up their to-do lists. So rather than tackling at-home drain cleaning, please leave it to the professionals. Then, you’ll have clean drains, healthy plumbing and be able to focus on more enjoyable aspects of your life at home. 

If you need a licensed, bonded, insured plumber for your Phoenix area leak or your next plumbing project, call MNS Plumbing today at 602-362-4524.


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