How Do Dual Flush Toilets Work?

Homeowners want their family members and guests to feel comfortable in their living spaces, including the bathroom. But choosing the best appliances and fixtures, like a dual flush toilet, can feel overwhelming, and many homeowners are even unsure how dual flush toilets work.

Let's discuss the innovative design of these toilets, review their benefits, and help homeowners determine whether they're the best bathroom upgrade for their homes.

What is a dual flush toilet?

Dual flush toilets first entered the market during the 1980s and have since become a staple in many households worldwide.

At first glance, these models resemble their single-flush counterparts but differ significantly. Most notably, after flushing the toilet, no siphoning action occurs. Additionally, the opening underneath the bowl is larger in dual-flush models. The hole allows water and waste to exit and minimizes the chance of blockages.

These solutions are unique because home occupants can choose whether to use a flush for solid or liquid waste.

Let's look at this flushing mechanism in more detail:

How does a dual flush toilet work?

Dual flush toilets rely on a mechanism that regulates water usage for flushing liquid or solid waste. Although some install these systems without professional assistance, most homeowners buy them pre-installed.

The mechanism consists of two valves. The first is the toilet siphon, which controls the toilet handle. Also the second is the dual flush drop valve, which controls a lever handle or a push button.

Liquid waste can exit a toilet bowl without much force, allowing the toilet to pull less water. In addition, since toilets mainly handle liquid waste, a dual flush model helps the household minimize water usage, saving money in the long run.

On the other hand, flushing solid waste requires more water to ensure the contents have exited the bowl and gone down the drain. However, because the bowl has a larger opening, the toilet will still use less water than a single-flush model.

The benefits of a dual flush toilet

Environmentally friendly

Dual flush toilets are easy to use and environmentally friendly. Choose a low-volume flush for liquid waste by pushing a button or pulling a lever and protecting the environment.


A low-volume flush can cut the water usage required for flushing in half and yield savings in just a few months. While most people don't notice the difference at first, they will realize how cost-effective the mechanism is once they examine their water bills at the end of the year.

Easy to maintain

Dual flush toilets are low-maintenance fixtures, and homeowners don't have to worry about recurring clogs or reaching for a plunger. Because the underlying mechanism is so effective, these toilets can do their jobs for years while requiring virtually no repairs.

Upgrade the bathroom with professional help

Those interested in enhancing their homes with the most effective bathroom fixtures should contact an expert and discuss the most suitable options.

If you need a licensed, bonded, insured plumber for your Phoenix area leak or your next plumbing project, call MNS Plumbing today at 602-362-4524.


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